Frequently Asked Questions
Check to find the answers to your questions about the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) programs and activities. You can search by category or key words. You can also send us your questions or website feedback here. We will respond to your requests based on the best available scientific evidence and research from our Agency.
AHRQ cannot provide diagnoses or specific medical advice to individuals on their personal health conditions and situations.
Ask a question, report a problem, or give us your opinion about a specific AHRQ program.
La Agencia para la Investigación y la Calidad de la Atención Médica (AHRQ, por su sigla en inglés) pone a disposición algunos de sus materiales para consumidors y otros productos en español. Estos se publican en el sitio web de AHRQ.
La AHRQ publica videos en español en uno de su canals de YouTube, AHRQ en español. La lista de reproducción (playlist() con videos más vistos son: Aprende a vivir (sobre el tratamiento para la diabetes) y Opciones de tratamiento. Visite:
Los folletos de AHRQ para el público están disponibles en español. Los mismos se publican en el sitio web de AHRQ.
Diríjase a Información en español para acceder materiales impresos en español y comunicados de prensa en el sitio web de AHRQ.
La Agencia para la Investigación y la Calidad de la Atención Médica (AHRQ, por su sigla en inglés) ofrece un gran variedad de videos en sus sitios web y en sus canales de YouTube. Estos incluyen desde anuncios de servicio público de 30 segundos hasta programas educacionales de 15 minutos, o inclusive seminarios web (webinars().
Los canales de AHRQ en YouTube incluyen:
- AHRQ Seguridad del Paciente (Canal en inglés, AHRQ Patient Safety:) - AHRQ Atención Primaria: (Canal en inglés, AHRQ Primary Care) - AHRQ Tecnología de la Información para la salud: (Canal en inglés AHRQ Health IT) - Efectividad de AHRQ (Canal en inglés, AHRQ Effectiveness) - Innovaciones de AHRQ (Canal en inglés, AHRQ Innovations) - Canal de Televisión de Salud de AHRQ (Canal en inglés, AHRQ Health TV) - AHRQ en español
No. AHRQ does not have information on specific insurance companies or policies. Your State Insurance Department or Commission will have information about insurance companies in your area. AHRQ does provide data to help our sister Agency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, provide information to help compare the quality of hospitals, nursing homes, doctors, and other health care providers.
For more information, go to the Medicare Compare page.
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests may be submitted by mail, fax, or email. The request must be in writing.
For more detailed instructions on how to submit a FOIA request, go to
Agency records that are not within the public domain can be requested under FOIA. For more information, go to:
Information on AHRQ-funded grants is available from the agency's Project Research Online Database. You can search by Category, Request for Applications/Program Announcement (RFA/PA) number, State, principal investigator's name, and keywords. You will also be able to view the abstract. Go to:
If you want additional information pertaining to a particular funded grant, you will need to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. For instructions on how to submit a FOIA request, go to:
The Senior Official for Privacy for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is Tim Erny, Office of Management Services/Division of Information Technology.
For contact information, go to:
AHRQ is a component of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Its website is maintained as a public service to provide practical health care information, research findings, and data to help consumers, health providers, health insurers, researchers, and policymakers make informed decisions about health care issues. We collect no personal information about you when you visit our website unless you choose to provide that information to us.
Go to AHRQ's Privacy Policy.
Ask a question, report a problem, or give us your opinion about a specific AHRQ program.